Our Beginnings

It is amazing to realise that an international ministry, as CWCI now is, could have started from one small group of women meeting for Bible study in Sydney, Australia, in 1957 under the leadership of Mrs Grace Collins. The spiritual hunger of that small group made them ask for more than just their weekly meeting - so they had a weekend away just for Bible teaching. This proved such a success that it was repeated the next year with double the numbers. The word began to spread and in a few years weekend Bible teaching conventions for women were being held all over Australia, and across to New Zealand.

Thousands of women who had attended the weekend conventions once or twice a year began asking for regular teaching at a local level. By 1972 Jean Raddon had been called from the mission field in Nepal to work in CWCI providing Bible study material for women to use in small groups. Know Your Bible (KYB) had begun.

As the ministry of CWCI broadened, National Management Boards (taking responsibility for the work in their own country) were formed in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

The KYB ministry has continued to expand and there are now KYB groups functioning in many countries around the world (see Where in the World is KYB? under the Translations tab). The studies are being translated into an ever-growing number of different languages and everywhere the same needs are being met and people are growing in their love for the Lord and His Word.

Board of
of Beliefs

Focus Verse:

"The end of all things is near... If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides..."

1 Peter 4:7-11 (NIV)