Know Your Bible
KNOW YOUR BIBLE (KYB) is Bible study material designed for group use. The studies have set daily Bible readings with questions to answer at home. When the group members meet, the leader introduces the study unit. With more than twelve participants, it is advisable to break into smaller groups to discuss the answers to the questions. Following the discussion time the leader gives a summary of the study unit. The recommended time for a complete session is 1½ hours.
KYB 2018 Studies:
Term 1 - Genesis 1-11
Term 2 - Second Corinthians
Term 3 - Nahum/Habakkuk/Zephaniah
Term 4 - Galatians
To set the scene and give some background on each new KYB study, an introduction is available in audio and print versions for the current study as well as the previous study on the CWCI Australia website:
Focus Verse:
"The end of all things is near... If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides..."
1 Peter 4:7-11 (NIV)